
hands in a circle

Looking to Donate to a Specific Program?

Donations may be general or may be made to benefit a specific program or service of North Central Health Care. Please make a note on your donation card or check to designate how your would like the funds spent.

To donate specifically to Dementia Care Programs at NCHC, please visit the Fundraising Page at Mighty Cause

Interested in Planned Giving?

Please consider us in your will or estate planning or through a gift by beneficiary designation on insurance policies or retirement plans. A simple gift will help us with what we do today, and far into the future. For more information, please contact your planning advisor or attorney.

Donate Used Clothing

You can donate gently used clothings, shoes, men's and women's swimsuits, and new socks and underwear which are made available at no cost to residents and clients at North Central Health Care through our Fashion Boutique closet. Contact Volunteer Services if you would like to make a donation: email or call at 715.848.4450.

Support the North Central Health Foundation

The North Central Health Foundation is a 501(c)(3) dedicated to raising funds that help support the programs and services of North Central Health Care. You can make a donation through the secured link below, or download a donation card here and mail it to the North Central Health Foundation.

Donate Now

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